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adiemme 05-20-2017 01:59 PM

[RHCSA] LDAP server installation using SSL.
Hello everybody,

I am setting up a virtual environment where i can play with and so prepare myself for the RHCSA certification exam.

The thing is that i am currently doing the sample exams on the end of my book (A. Ghori).

Where i am struggling with is the step where it says:

"Use dc=example,dc=com, and LDAP server with a certificate sitting in /etc/openldap/cacerts to allow ldapuser1 to be able to log on to rhcsa2"

Now, on the server side, i have already set up everything, so LDAP works. The part i am struggling with is the SSL part.

Basically, i have created the CA and the server certificates.
In order to create the certificates i have used easy-rsa.


[root@hypervisor-s1 keys]# openssl verify -CAfile ca.crt hypervisor-s1.crt
hypervisor-s1.crt: OK

Then, after i have run on the client machine:
[root@rhcsa2 certs]# authconfig --enableldap --enableldapauth --ldapserver='ldaps://hypervisor-s1' --ldapbasedn='dc=domain,dc=local' --update


I have copied the ca.crt:
[root@hypervisor-s1 keys]# scp ca.crt

But the problem is that nlscd complains:
[root@rhcsa2 certs]# systemctl status nslcd -l
● nslcd.service - Naming services LDAP client daemon.
  Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nslcd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
  Active: active (running) since Sat 2017-05-20 20:42:20 CEST; 13min ago
  Process: 18123 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nslcd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 18124 (nslcd)
  CGroup: /system.slice/nslcd.service
          └─18124 /usr/sbin/nslcd

May 20 20:42:26 rhcsa2 nslcd[18124]: [8b4567] <passwd(all)> failed to bind to LDAP server ldaps://hypervisor-s1: Can't contact LDAP server: TLS error -5938:Encountered end of file: Operation now in progress
May 20 20:42:26 rhcsa2 nslcd[18124]: [8b4567] <passwd(all)> no available LDAP server found, sleeping 1 seconds
May 20 20:42:27 rhcsa2 nslcd[18124]: [8b4567] <passwd(all)> failed to bind to LDAP server ldaps://hypervisor-s1: Can't contact LDAP server: TLS error -5938:Encountered end of file: Operation now in progress
May 20 20:42:27 rhcsa2 nslcd[18124]: [8b4567] <passwd(all)> no available LDAP server found, sleeping 1 seconds
May 20 20:42:28 rhcsa2 nslcd[18124]: [8b4567] <passwd(all)> failed to bind to LDAP server ldaps://hypervisor-s1: Can't contact LDAP server: TLS error -5938:Encountered end of file: Operation now in progress
May 20 20:42:28 rhcsa2 nslcd[18124]: [8b4567] <passwd(all)> no available LDAP server found, sleeping 1 seconds
May 20 20:42:29 rhcsa2 nslcd[18124]: [8b4567] <passwd(all)> failed to bind to LDAP server ldaps://hypervisor-s1: Can't contact LDAP server: TLS error -5938:Encountered end of file: Operation now in progress
May 20 20:42:29 rhcsa2 nslcd[18124]: [8b4567] <passwd(all)> no available LDAP server found, sleeping 1 seconds
May 20 20:42:30 rhcsa2 nslcd[18124]: [8b4567] <passwd(all)> failed to bind to LDAP server ldaps://hypervisor-s1: Can't contact LDAP server: TLS error -5938:Encountered end of file: Operation now in progress
May 20 20:42:30 rhcsa2 nslcd[18124]: [8b4567] <passwd(all)> no available LDAP server found: Can't contact LDAP server: Transport endpoint is not connected

Here are the configs:

[root@rhcsa2 ~]# cat /etc/openldap/ldap.conf | grep -vE '^#|^$'
TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/cacerts
URI ldaps://hypervisor-s1
BASE dc=domain,dc=local

[root@rhcsa2 ~]# cat /etc/nslcd.conf | grep -vE '^#|^$'
uid nslcd
gid ldap
uri ldaps://hypervisor-s1
base dc=domain,dc=local
tls_cacertdir /etc/openldap/cacerts
tls_cacertfile /etc/openldap/cacerts/ca.crt
ssl no

I know that i could just skip the validation and then it would work, but since i am simulating the exam, i would like to stick to it.


adiemme 05-20-2017 03:25 PM

And turns out it was a permissions issue :/
chown -R ldap. /etc/openldap/*

Has resolved my issue.

So ashamed.

onebuck 05-20-2017 07:09 PM

Moderator response
In the future, please consider using code tags for data presentations. The # sign (at the top of the reply window) is for code while the quote (balloon icon to the left of #) for quoting.

That way your posts will be cleaner therefore easier to read.
Please consider reading the following to aid you when creating a post;

sundialsvcs 05-23-2017 09:27 AM

Very good. You set up a realistic scenario, ran into one of several common issues, and solved it yourself. Thanks for sharing.

Now, go do more and more and more of this.

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