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weirdwolf 06-20-2013 07:38 PM

My current DT
I like a fairly clean desktop. Normally of something (or someone) I can look at for an extended time when thinking.

SaintDanBert 07-04-2013 10:55 AM

I paraphrase:


“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that [monsters] exist, but because they tell us that [monsters] can be beaten.”
― Neil Gaiman, "Coraline"
I use the Cinnamon desktop for all sorts of operational reasons.
What I see when idle depends on how much junk I decide to store there.
Like a physical desk, it demands routine cleaning.

~~~ 0;-Dan

weirdwolf 09-26-2013 08:33 PM

September's. October will be a little bit different due to the nature of October.

weirdwolf 10-13-2013 11:59 PM

October. Love her eyes

weirdwolf 01-25-2014 07:43 PM

I like them blue

jamison20000e 01-25-2014 10:55 PM

A couple times every year my DEs and there looks change drastically, this last one I've been posting and learning more (thx LQ) so decided to focus on CLI where I startx if I need or want images and such...

weirdwolf 02-15-2014 05:09 PM

Nice jamison20000e. Would you be able to point me to the subject of the back ground ? Seems I should know who she is but cant put my finger on it.

jamison20000e 02-15-2014 07:54 PM

I made a folder and named all the backgrounds in it by number to streamline background switching (5000 or so) and I was learning Ruby at that time trying to make a better shuffler for them and music (never did get time for Ruby\programming yet :() could find the old DVDs for the names (don't even DT switch these days) but a revers image search of the face brought it up: Ursula Mayes. :D

P.s: that caption was supposed to say; "Not enough days in the year..." ;)

jamison20000e 03-01-2014 12:23 AM

hamana hamana hamana :hattip:

weirdwolf 03-13-2014 09:15 PM

Not bad at all ;)

weirdwolf 03-16-2014 05:32 PM

Looks good to me. ;)

jamison20000e 03-16-2014 09:06 PM

Nice. I just started playing with Conky to:D; the L blinks through Linux, the CPU graph fades away (if I ever get it going) and the weather is nothing fancy, tho it scrolls.

John VV 03-16-2014 11:29 PM

just a basic KDE de
-- the background image is a 3d rendering i did of comet ISON from just above ISS

rokytnji 03-17-2014 12:00 AM

I'll guess I'll play. JWM with yweather ,(shows extended family state weather) ,cpu temp,redshift,Firewall controller, with conky which shows my current weather.
All running inside of Windows 7 as a program file. Not wubi or mint4win. It's Slack0 5.7.

This is my bike tuner windows 7 laptop. I run browser and other apps as user spot, fido, or rex.


# whoami

Background is from Here

My music stations come from and get played in either moc,cmus,or if I go heavy, xmms or audacious.

Good night and Happy Trails, Rok

jamison20000e 06-02-2014 08:34 PM

As you can tell (if an LQ member ↙) I always have a minimum of two Linuces in my GRUB, plus usually VMs to boot... :D

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