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Jason.nix 04-26-2024 02:44 AM

Tunneling the entire system over the Tor
The Tor is running on How can I tunnel all system traffic over Tor?

Thank you.

pan64 04-26-2024 04:56 AM

what about looking for an answer yourself?

Turbocapitalist 04-26-2024 05:03 AM

It might not be useful or even appropriate to send everything over Tor. Most individual applications can be routed over Tor using proxychains as a SOCKS5 client.

business_kid 04-26-2024 06:40 AM

Any time I see a question like this, I can't help wondering what legal thing someone is so desperate to hide. I think you needn't bother, because Tor wasn't cracked when they caught Ross Ulbricht (of Silk Road). But there are other means.

friendlysalmon8827 04-29-2024 06:43 PM

The authorities have also caught several suspected and known terrorists using Tor in addition they have also used it to set up honeypot websites to do drag nets for those who commit crimes like money laundering So as other LQ members have suggested I think that unless you trying to hide something your better off using Tor as sparingly as possibly can.

jayjwa 04-30-2024 11:36 AM

Some of the opinions in this thread aren't really being fair to Tor or the darknet. There are both illegal and legal things on the darknet and both illegal and legal things on the clearnet. The "if you have nothing to hide" argument can also be applied to cryptography. OP might want to set this up Just Because, which isn't uncommon for people that like techy things. He might also want a system where you can access such hosts transparently. Many legal and well-known sites have darknet links, like LKML, EFF, HackerNews, and SlashDot.

Opinions change over time and politics drift with the Overton Window. Don't frown at Tor; one day you might just find yourself as one of those "dissidents" they speak about. I live in a country with political prisoners and in which people have gone to prison for memes. If I have an opinion stronger than "NY style pizza is better than deep-dish", it's comforting to know I have options to speak it with.

business_kid 04-30-2024 01:46 PM

Yes, I probably started that, because I have noticed a number over the years reseaching security techniques by asking endless questions and then going away when they are asked one themselves.

But in the correct circumstances, I could see myself on Tor or some other vpn to be discreet about my religious views.

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