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mackowiakp 04-07-2017 01:23 AM

Inpossibility to install MS core fonts
I try to install M$ core fonts on Mageia 5.1. So I download RPM:


And than try to install it, without success:


[root@gosia-aio gosia]# urpmi ./msttcore-fonts-installer-2.6-1.noarch.rpm
The selected package can not be installed:
msttcore-fonts-installer-2.6-1.noarch (Because of the unsatisfactory xorg-x11-font-utils package)
Continue anyway (Y/n): n

So I try to install xorg-x11-font-utils package, without success too:


[root@gosia-aio gosia]# urpmi xorg-x11-font-utils
No package named xorg-x11-font-utils

What I am doing wrong?
Anyway I have squares instead some letters and spaces in Arial, Times New Roman and other typical fonts.

Any help?

business_kid 04-07-2017 04:02 AM

RPM has options to override paranoid behaviour. Things like --nodeps & --force, but you probably need something from the packages it's bellyaching about.

luvr 04-08-2017 06:26 AM

In my opinion, you would be better off foregoing the package and downloading the fonts manually. It’s what I did under Debian and Ubuntu (I’m not a Mageia user).

One big advantage of this method is that you can then download the fonts just once, and copy them over to any system on which you wish to use them. In addition, while you’re at it, you can also obtain updated and new fonts, which the package may not provide (at least, the Debian package didn’t, last time I looked).

To download the original core fonts, just run the following command:

wget --base='' --input-file=- <<'//*EOF'

(Actually, if you’re going to download the updated fonts anyway, then you may skip the arial32.exe, times32.exe, trebuc32.exe, and verdan32.exe downloads, since the EUupdate.EXE file—which will be downloaded next—provides newer versions of these fonts.)

Then, similarly, download the updated and new font files:

wget --base='' --input-file=- <<'//*EOF'

To continue, make sure that the cabextract utility is installed on your system, and run the following sequence of commands to extract the font files from the downloaded files (I’ll ignore the old versions of the updated fonts, since they would get overwritten anyway):

cabextract --lowercase --filter='*.tt?' 'andale32.exe'
cabextract --lowercase --filter='*.tt?' 'arialb32.exe'
cabextract --lowercase --filter='*.tt?' 'comic32.exe'
cabextract --lowercase --filter='*.tt?' 'courie32.exe'
cabextract --lowercase --filter='*.tt?' 'georgi32.exe'
cabextract --lowercase --filter='*.tt?' 'impact32.exe'
cabextract --lowercase --filter='*.tt?' 'webdin32.exe'
cabextract --lowercase --filter='*.tt?' 'EUupdate.EXE'
cabextract --lowercase --filter='' 'wd97vwr32.exe'
cabextract --lowercase --filter='' 'PowerPointViewer.exe'
cabextract --lowercase --filter='*.tt?' ''
cabextract --lowercase --filter='*.tt?' ''

Next, as ‘root’, create the directory to which you will be copying the fonts, …

mkdir '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/mstt'
… and copy the fonts there:

cp *.tt? '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/mstt'
Finally, update the font cache:

fc-cache --force --verbose
Transporting the fonts to another computer.
If you want to be able to easily set up the fonts on any other system, then you may want to pack them up into an archive:

tar -cvzPf msfonts.tar.gz '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/mstt'
Then, whenever you want to set up the fonts on another computer, just run the following command as ‘root’ to unpack the archive, …

tar -xvzPf msfonts.tar.gz
… and update the font cache again.

mackowiakp 04-08-2017 08:26 AM

Sill I have "squares" in place of spaces and national characters. Strange is that for example "squares" are present in for example Times New Roman but no in Times New Roman Bold or italic.

luvr 04-08-2017 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by mackowiakp (Post 5694282)
Strange is that for example "squares" are present in for example Times New Roman but no in Times New Roman Bold or italic.

Perhaps you have an old copy of the Times New Roman font lying around somewhere on your system?
As a first quick check, you may want to search for any Times font files, and see what gives:

find /usr/share/fonts -type f -name 'times*' -printf '%s\t%p\n'
What does that command tell you?

mackowiakp 04-09-2017 12:52 AM

Really. Its strange.
Below output from properly working system:


[maciek@Piotr ~]$ find /usr/share/fonts -type f -name 'times*' -printf '%s\t%p\n'
238612  /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/timesbi.ttf
333900  /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/timesbd.ttf
247092  /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/timesi.ttf
330412  /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/times.ttf

And now from the system we are talking about:


[gosia@gosia-aio ~]$ find /usr/share/fonts -type f -name 'times*' -printf '%s\t%p\n'
1110872 /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/ttf/times.ttf
1093096 /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/ttf/timesbd.ttf
826688  /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/ttf/timesbi.ttf
884612  /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/ttf/timesi.ttf
59551  /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/Type1/timesbi.pfb
13641  /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/Type1/times.afm
62502  /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/Type1/times.pfb
66043  /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/Type1/timesbd.pfb
13724  /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/Type1/timesbd.afm
13719  /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/Type1/timesbi.afm
13741  /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/Type1/timesi.afm
56726  /usr/share/fonts/drakfont/Type1/timesi.pfb
330412  /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/times.ttf
333900  /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/timesbd.ttf
238612  /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/timesbi.ttf
247092  /usr/share/fonts/msttcorefonts/timesi.ttf

Advice please, what I have to do?

business_kid 04-09-2017 02:25 AM

Personally I find that installing the fonts is only half of the battle.

Getting them recognised is the second half. Have you battled with fontconfig and the various apps you wanted to use those fonts?

mackowiakp 04-09-2017 02:35 AM

On both PC`s I use the same apps. Libre Office, browser, etc. But mainly I use console for C language compiling (not graphical programs but automation) and Bash scripting. So I am not expert in font issues, thats I need help. Maybe it is necessary to remove something?

ondoho 04-09-2017 03:56 AM

have you restarted the x session after installing the new fonts?
did you run 'fc-cache -f' (both as super- and normal user)?

mackowiakp 04-09-2017 05:16 AM

OK. I removed from PC all font files non-exiting on proper running system and then updated the font cache. Reboot and it works!

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