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offgridguy 08-28-2016 06:37 PM

Install Fluxbox in Zenwalk 8.0?
1 Attachment(s)
I would like to install fluxbox as wm on my Zenwalk 8.0 system.
Mainly because I like fluxbox and also to get away from the
annoying gnome keyring.
I installed fluxbox using the graphical xnetpkg.
see screenshot.
But I don't know where to go from here. I can't find any graphical tools to set fluxbox as default wm.
Is there a procedure using the command line?

rokytnji 08-28-2016 06:49 PM

Here is a manual.

Good luck.

offgridguy 08-28-2016 08:08 PM

Thank you, I will look this over.

offgridguy 08-28-2016 08:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This doesn't seem to do anything, although the terminal choices include fluxbox, clicking
OK doesn't effect any change.
See screenshot.

I am wondering about this as well.

DE/WM settings are stored in the ~/.xinitrc file. On a default Zenwalk install, you will find it's a script that launches XFCE. Changing your DE or WM can be done simply by replacing the ~/.xinitrc file with the one that calls your preferred graphical environment.
There is no such file or directory in the home (~) directory.
Where else could it be? I couldn't find it in /etc where I would expect it.
Edit; I did find it in /etc/x11/xinit
But can't see how to set the default.

offgridguy 08-28-2016 10:24 PM

I can access fluxbox by ctrl+alt+F1 at startup, which brings up a console.
Then use the xwmconfig command which gives the option of fluxbox, which I select.
Then use the startx command to start the X session, which is a very outdated version of fluxbox.
I can do this either as root or user but the default DE remains xfce.
I could live with xfce, if I could disable the keyring, but I'm not having any success there either.

rokytnji 08-29-2016 06:39 AM

I have not ran Zenwalk in years. Since version 6 I think.

Usually. Desktop session is picked by the login manager. GDM,KDM,Slim, whatever is installed.
I can't remember what login manager I had in Zenwalk when I ran it. All I remember is that it gave a choice of root or user login before giving a desktop.


because most Zenwalk users will take advantage of the GDM login manager.
I am surprised GDM does not offer your Fluxbox install as a choice after a reboot.

Reading the release announcement


System tools have been heavily improved to fully integrate Policykit privileges elevation features, enabling the unprivileged user to tweak many system parameters that require root ownership (you can now change your user password from the XFCE panel by entering your previous password, set the Xorg keyboard layout without root privileges, set your locale, set the login manager settings, etc...).
Kinda vague, but pertinent I think. I tried logging in to their forum with my old user name and password. But my account has probably been shut down due to inactivity there.

You might be better served asking over there on their forum maybe?
Sorry I am not much help on this.

Edit: Just wondering. Not Judging. If wanting Fluxbox. What possessed you not to go with a Zenwalk core install instead?

Oh. I see. you decided after the initial Zenwalk install you went with. My bad.

offgridguy 08-29-2016 09:57 AM

Thank you for the input, rokytnji. I am thinking that Zenwalk is probably not the best
distro for fluxbox anyway. For a couple of reasons, XFCE is an integral part of the whole Zenwalk design and without it there's not much left.
Since Zenwalk is a one application for each task, it comes with only one browser, chromium.
Nothing wrong with that, but it's not an option in fluxbox, so I would have to install another browser.
The Zenwalk forum is generally not as reliable as the sub-forum here at LQ.
J.P. himself acknowledges this.
I am turning my attention toward disabling the Gnome keyring. I have read some related
material in that regard but so far nothing has worked.
If anyone has any advice it would be gratefully appreciated.

rokytnji 08-29-2016 12:22 PM

On my 2 of the same brand and spec touchscreen atom netbooks. For Fluxbox based on Slackware. My druthers are

and Slackel Linux Fluxbox edition.

Of the 2. I like my Slackel netbook install preferably.

offgridguy 08-29-2016 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by rokytnji (Post 5597846)
On my 2 of the same brand and spec touchscreen atom netbooks. For Fluxbox based on Slackware. My druthers are

and Slackel Linux Fluxbox edition.

Of the 2. I like my Slackel netbook install preferably.

Thank you for this, I will check it out.
I have just downloaded the new Salix 14.2, I `will give that a spin first.

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